'Windows logo'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.05.17 DTM Unclassified program 2

Unclassified Program driver 기본적인 안정성 테스트를 진행하는 것으로 해당 driver 기능(functionality) 인증하는 프로그램이 아닙니다.

Windows Logo 취득보다는 driver signing만을 위한 목적으로 DTM test 진행한다면 Unclassified program 이용하는 것도 좋은 방법이 있습니다.

The Unclassified Program does not validate device and driver functionality. Therefore, devices and drivers that are submitted for driver signature under the Unclassified Program are not eligible to use either the Basic or Premium logo.

You can use the Unclassified Program to obtain a signature for a driver even if a Basic or
Premium logo program is defined for the device or driver category. However, such signed drivers and devices will not qualify to use the logo. Neither can you use such drivers and devices in a system that you are submitting for a Premium logo.

For further details about the Unclassified Program, refer to Policy-0021 on the LogoPoint tool. The Device Fundamental requirements are also available on LogoPoint.

(출처: Unclassified Signature Program http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/drvsign/dqs.mspx)


다음은 submission 가격에 대한 정책입니다.

Unclassified program도 다른 WLK submission과 동일하게 1회에 $250의 비용이 소요됩니다.


Billing Policies

Updated: August 21, 2006

Authorized Testing Fees for Devices and Systems

This section provides the WHQL fee schedule and payment instructions for WHQL testing fees.

Fee Schedule

Fees are payable only in U.S. funds by check or wire transfer.  For submissions $750.00 (U.S.), or less, credit cards are accepted.

Testing fees for previous platform submissions are charged by the Windows operating system family. There will be no additional fee for additional platforms submitted under a single Windows family.

Note: The Windows Vista Premium logo also covers the logo for Windows Vista Basic. Logs for Windows Vista Basic do not need to be included if a Windows Vista Premium submission is made.

Submission type

Testing fee

Windows Vista Premium


Windows Vista Basic


Windows XP


Windows Server 2003


Cluster Submissions




Driver Update Acceptable


Unclassified (1)


EQP (2)


Reseller program test submissions (2)



(1): Includes Windows Vista all operating systems, Windows XP all operating systems, Windows 2003 all operating systems.  $250.00 fee per operating system family submitted for testing.

(2): $100.00 per submission regardless of the number of operating systems submitted.

참고자료 :

DTM Global WHQL Policies Draft

The DTM Global WHQL Policies Draft

Unclassified Signature Program

Posted by noenemy